Our Social Enterprise Projects
This is how we are fulfilling our mission. Check out our projects and if you're an NTU student intestested then get in touch!
Enactus NTU in Numbers
NTU Student Members
Active Social Enterprise Projects
Grants and partner competitions won in 2021
Our Active Projects
The Sustainability, Enterprise and Employability In Schools (SEES) project is centred around equipping young adults with employability and entrepreneurship skills through a series of workshops; re-framing employability into a fun challenge, we build confidence and encourage a growth mindset.
We're currently working with a local alternative provision school, to engage their students with enterprise through product empathy mapping. This program will help prepare students for further education, encourage them to understand consumer needs and ultimately, learn how to understand the needs of others, in order to create value for them. Working with the school to encourage these learning behaviours, we're excited to see how the students develop throughout our program in collaboration with Enactus UK.
Mrs Oakes Sustainable Storytelling (MOSS) Club
The Mrs Oaks' Storytelling Club project aims to build positive self-images for primary school children so that they can feel empowered to positively impact the world, enabling them to believe that they are capable of achieving their ambitions.
We do this in three parts:
1) Get them thinking big through stories of how people have changed the world for good.
2) With guided prompts, start writing their story of how "Tabby the cat" changed the world. Build the character up and tell the story through our guided animation.
3) Guide the student through how they could become more like Tabby the cat. "What makes Tabby the cat so successful? How could you be like Tabby the cat?"
Through collaborating with the NTSU sexual assault awareness team we aim to address sexual harassment and provide support to victims. Project Phoenix promotes peace, justice and good health and well-being using a social platform to support survivors where they can share their stories to increase awareness and signpost support.
Save Reality
Save Reality - Students learning to save real lives through virtual reality.
We’re changing the way that young students can discuss knife crime in the classroom. Leveraging technology, we provide immersive life-saving experiences to engage young people in conversations about knife crime. For the first time, virtual reality and life-saving skills are being used to frame a dialogue around knife crime constructively. Save Reality will positively shape a discussion around community and personal responsibility while equipping young people with the skills necessary to save a life.
Our choice-based approach resonates with the success of our partners at the Galleries of Justice, who are well recognised for their anti-knife crime initiatives and strongly endorse our project for its ability to “fill a gap in the current choice-based knife crime initiatives''.
Our intervention is focused on creating an immersive experience, which enables greater opportunity for powerful discussion, bringing together real-life social and emergency situations to increase the depth of classroom discussion, particularly connecting with students' lived experience and their attitudes to knife crime. These post-VR discussions within our intervention might be a student's first or only opportunity to share their views or experience, which can be identified by our safeguarding team so that students are connected with the support they deserve.
From our interviews with young people, we have found that creating a narrative around saving a life is the best way to enable empathy development, and by creating a story around what it means to save a life, we break down barriers and empower young people to have authentic discussions.
Our Archived Projects
Bright Greens
We use innovative technology, such as aeroponics and vertical farming to show primary school children that there are innovative solutions reducing climate change.
This became meaningful to us when we discovered that a lot of young people are anxious about the future, with one student describing "the world burning" as his future. We want to flip this pereception on its head, and although we can't impact climate change directly, we can empower young people through practical experiences to "feel like scientists".
These experiences improve the students interest in science, which is reflected by their engagment in their science lessons as part of the curriculum. We envisage students feeling able to learn to tackle anything in science because of their experience with out hands on project.
Zimbabwe Fisheries Project
The Zimbabwe Fisheries project is giving people in Bulawayo a means to create their own income in an economy with very little income opportunities.
This starts with an initial investment into the conversion of the swimming pool into a fully functioning fish farm. This initial investment can be soon paid back, but to aid the community further we enable other local people to be trained at the site we have invested in, therefore enabling us to invest in further fish farms and scale up our impact.
Our project TakeCare is empowering children with special educational needs to express their frustrations within their school day through digital animation and also supporting their parent carers through social events to tackle the common feelings of isolation.
Working with schools, we're using the stories of young people with special educational needs to enact change in their learning envirnoment. Our partner schools are leading the way to a more inclusive learning envirnoment fit for all their students.
In partnership with Rainbow parent carers forum and Cafe Sobar, we arrange social events for parent carers to express how we can better support them and their children.